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作者:威廉体育williamhill 发表时间:2023-03-13 访问次数:






n 教育及工作经历

u 20199-至今 威廉体育williamhill 讲师

u 20149-20196 威廉体育williamhill 硕博连读

u 20109-20146 威廉体育williamhill 本科

n 研究方向

u 作物病原菌致病和变异机制

n 研究项目

u 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目稻瘟病菌株共侵染提高无毒菌株致病力的机制研究(编号:32202254),2023-2025,项目主持人

u 云南省基础研究专项青年项目细胞色素P450基因MoMCP1负调控稻瘟菌附着胞形成的代谢机制(编号:202101AU070101),2021-2024,项目主持人

u 云南省基础研究专项面上项目稻瘟菌MoHG1调控糖类代谢影响细胞壁完整性的机制解析(编号:202201AT070255),2022-2025,项目主持人

n 代表性论文

u Wang Y, Liu L, Pu X, et al. Transcriptome Analysis and Snp Identification Reveal That Heterologous Overexpression of Two Uncharacterized Genes Enhances the Tolerance of Magnaporthe oryzae to Manganese Toxicity[J]. Microbiology Spectrum, 2022, 10(3): e02605-21.

u Wang Y, Wang Z, Jibril S M, et al. Transcriptome and Quasi-Targeted Metabolome Analyze Overexpression of 4-Hydroxyphenylpyruvate Dioxygenase Alleviates Fungal Toxicity of 9-Phenanthrol in Magnaporthe oryzae[J]. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2022, 23(13): 7116.

u Wu Q#, Wang Y#, Liu L N, et al. Comparative genomics and gene pool analysis reveal the decrease of genome diversity and gene number in rice blast fungi by stable adaption with rice[J]. Journal of Fungi, 2022, 8(1): 5.

u Chen Y, Zhu X, Hou Z, Wang Y, et al. RNA-Based Analysis Reveals High Diversity of Plant-Associated Active Fungi in the Atmosphere[J]. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2021, 12: 683266.

u He H, Liu L, Munir S, Bashir, N. H., Wang Y. et al. Crop diversity and pest management in sustainable agriculture[J]. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2019, 18(9): 1945-1952.

u Wang Y, Wu Q, Liu L, et al. MoMCP1, a cytochrome P450 gene, is required for alleviating manganese toxin revealed by transcriptomics analysis in Magnaporthe oryzae[J]. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2019, 20(7): 1590.

u Wang Y, Li Y, Wang H, et al. Proteomic analyses of Magnaporthe oryzae development disrupted by salicylic acid[J]. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 2018, 102: 55-66.

u 林艾佳,吴奇,倪瑞莲,陈恒,卫冕,李成云*王一*. 钙离子响应蛋白GCaMP6s在稻瘟菌中的异源表达[J]. 植物保护, 2022(002):048.

u 浦鑫,吴奇,卫冕,马婵,汪子怡,杨超,李成云*王一*. 麦瘟菌MoSTG1对稻瘟菌生长和致病力的影响[J]. 分子植物育种.

n 代表性著作

u 云南微生物资源与名录,科学出版社,2022年,参编

n 专利及标准

u 9-菲酚在稻瘟病防治中的应用,王一,李成云,刘立娜,吴奇,浦鑫,汪子怡,马婵,CN202210140663.8,发明专利

u 一种稻瘟病菌培育装置,王一;李成云;刘立娜;吴奇;马婵;浦鑫,CN202122682227.7,实用新型

u 一种带标识牌的实验用植物培养装置,王一,李成云,刘立娜,吴奇,马婵,浦鑫,CN202121948779.1,实用新型